EIN 59-0696284

Children's Home Network

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
The Children's Home is a child- and family-centered organization that is positioned to care for struggling families and children seeking the comfort of a loving family.
Also known as...
The Children's Home; Children's Home
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Children's Home Network

Prevention and intervention services:the supporting and empowering educational and developmental services (seeds) program is a multi-disciplinary intervention team composed of schools, community, and family representatives. The primary goal of seeds is to ensure children: 1) are ready for kindergarten; 2) are promoted at The end of The school year; and 3) are reading on level by third grade. These goals are accomplished by working together with The family to support The child's development, educational, and social needs so he or she can successfully function at Home, school, and in The community. (continued on schedule o)the seeds team utilizes strength-based planning to support The child and The family by combining The strengths of The family, school system, community services, and existing family supports. Seeds collaborates with The hillsborough county elementary schools across The county to provide children and families with The help they need to overcome some of life's obstacles. Seeds served a total 1,212 children and parents (608 children + 604 adults)kinship is a program available to family members caring for a relative's child(ren) in broward, dade, hillsborough, orange, osceola, pasco, pinellas, and seminole counties. It helps families connect to necessary services, expand family support systems, and reduce stress to promote family stability. Total served this year 541 families and 947 children.family finding: in addition to kinship, family finding services are initiated to prevent The entry of children into licensed foster care. Currently serving hillsborough, pinellas, pasco, orange, osceola and seminole counties, The goal of this comprehensive and child focused service is to work collaboratively and provide a timely response to place a child in The Home of a relative and/or non-relative figure at The time of removal. Family finding teams utilize a variety of search engines and interviews to seek out potential relatives or non-relatives that can step in to care for children that have experienced verified abuse and/or neglect to avoid placement into traditional foster care or residential group care.- pinellas/pasco family finding - 269 families and 443 children- hillsborough family finding - 307 families and 547 children- central Florida - 493 children servedthe pinellas support team (pst) is a behavioral health program that provides services to families in pinellas county with children in pre-kindergarten through high school, who are experiencing difficulties at school due to behavioral or emotional issues.services offered: assessment, behavior modification, individual and family counseling, tutoring. Pst is intended to serve The uninsured and under-insured population or those experiencing barriers to accessing needed services throughout pinellas county. Pst served 239 children/youth and 403 adults.healthy families is a nationally accredited Home visiting program for expectant parents and parents of newborns experiencing stressful life situations. The program improves childhood outcomes and increases family self-sufficiency by empowering parents through education and community support. Parents voluntarily participate in healthy families so they can learn how to recognize and respond to their baby's changing developmental needs, use positive discipline techniques, cope with The day-to-day stress of parenting in healthy ways, and achieve their goals. Total served this year is 746 families and 1523 children.caregiver support services (css) offers comprehensive support to caregivers and their families to prevent child abuse and neglect through an integrated multidisciplinary team that addresses The global needs of at-risk children and families in pinellas county. Css serves children between The ages of 0-13 who have physical disabilities, social-emotional challenges, or developmental delays/disabilities and caregivers who are experiencing acute situational stressors leading to a strained family system.the program works to prevent child abuse by reducing household stress through "respite or short-term childcare services. Caregivers are provided a much-needed break so they can focus on their own health needs and are also connected to additional resources and services in their community ensuring they have all The supports they need to care for their family. Css emphasizes family choice and voice as well as taking into consideration The specific needs of The child when determining The type of respite service The family receives. All respite services are available seven days a week, offering flexibility to meet The individualized needs of each family. Universal outcomes achieved through css include: reducing parental stress, improving formal and informal family supports, increasing protective factors against potential incidents of abuse and neglect, and improving family functioning and well-being.- families served - 67- children served - 110raise: reaching and inspiring students everywhere (raise) provides a full spectrum of support services to help children overcome physical, mental, and emotional barriers so that they can heal, learn, and thrive. Established in 2022, raise provides tailored intervention services promoting positive behavioral, educational, and developmental outcomes for children birth through grade 3 in hillsborough county. The program serves children who are at risk of having experienced trauma, are presenting with challenging behaviors, as well as those children with developmental delays, or a diagnosed disability.raise employs a multidisciplinary intervention team of professionals and specialists, including school personnel, who work collaboratively with families to ensure each child receives The necessary services to be successful at Home, in school, and in The community. The core team includes a parent coach and intervention specialist who guide families through The process and connect them with The professional services a child may require. Raise served a total 484 children and parents. (257 children + 227 adults).
Foster care support services:children's Home Network (chn) recruits and licenses quality foster homes in hillsborough and osceola counties to serve children that have been removed from their families due to abuse or neglect. Chn's capacity continues to grow, and we currently support over 240 foster homes and serve an average of 160 foster children, ages 0-17, on any given day. We believe that children in foster care are best served in a stable, family like setting and with their siblings whenever possible. Chn foster families provide safety and excellent care where children heal from their trauma. (continued on schedule o)our foster families are skilled parents and strong advocates for their foster children, functioning as a member of The child's case management team. Foster families co-parent with The child's birth family to maintain and strengthen The parent/child bond and to assist with a timely and safe reunification for The family. The chn fostering family's team offers intense support for our foster families including but not limited to professional child welfare and licensing staff, and when necessary, in-home clinical services with a licensed mental health clinician or a master's level clinician. Our clinical team includes a child and adolescent psychiatrist and intense in-home therapy to include The child, foster family and when appropriate The birth family. Fostering families is The only foster care program in hillsborough county that offers four levels of care to serve The unique needs of children in care: traditional, medical, supported, and specialized therapeutic foster care. Chn is well regarded locally and statewide for our commitment to excellent care for every child in our program and our advocacy and services ensure placement stability for our children and a high level of foster parent retention and satisfaction. Foster care support services were provided to 774 individuals during The year ending june 30, 2023. Level 1 licensing services:chn represents as a first responder to The family for The purpose of licensing relatives and non-relatives that are parenting children placed in their care by child protective services. Level 1 licensure is intense and time sensitive and requires chn staff to engage quickly, identifying The family's urgent and anticipated health and safety needs so they can obtain licensure and The ongoing support it provides while The child is in The Home through permanency, to include guardianship assistance. Chn's level 1 teams operate in hillsborough, orange, seminole and osceola counties and their goal is to complete an assessment of The Home so that an initial level 1 license will be issued within 60 days of initial referral. Chn's level 1 teams assist families by providing linkage to pre-service training, goods, and services such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, beds, and minor Home repairs so that The children are safe and well cared for and The Home meets licensing standards. Once The Home is licensed for level 1, chn continues to provide in-home support to ensure The child and family remains stable and needs are met in a safe environment. The level 1 team completes annual relicensing activities with The family and participates in permanency planning to include reunification support, adoption by The caregiver or permanent guardianship and linkage to The guardianship assistance program (gap). Chn's gap specialist works collaboratively with The legal guardian to ensure access to The guardianship assistance programs to support permanency. Total served is 232.emotional support services:the caregiver emotional support services assists relative and non-relative caregivers in developing a support Network and connections to other caregivers with children involved in The child welfare dependency system that fosters greater independence, builds stronger communities, and promotes nurturing relationships. The program engages caregivers in an ongoing process that incorporates their perspective as problems are identified and solutions are prioritized. Peer to peer support is offered through face-to-face visits, phone calls and support groups. Services were provided to 132 individuals during The year ended june 30, 2023, for emotional support services in The central Florida area.
Residential services:children's Home Network (chn) operates a therapeutic residential program, kid's village serving up to 46 children ages 6-17 and a maternity program, adolescents in motherhood (aim), serving up to 10 teen mothers and 10 infants, all of whom have been removed from their families due to abuse and/or neglect. As a result of their life experiences, our children and youth have all been traumatized and demonstrate emotional and behavioral challenges that preclude them from a successful placement in a licensed foster Home. (continued on schedule o)chn provides every child with safety, stability, and quality care by trained childcare staff, mental health services and an evidenced based model for behavioral support, on-site nurse and psychiatric services as well as linkage to medical, dental and vision care, nutritious and well-balanced meals, structured and diverse activities on and off campus, a youth employment program for our teens and intensive educational support to include on-site tutoring and a state-of-the-art learning center. Our teen mothers are provided parenting education to include child development, safety, well-baby care and attachment. Education is prioritized and all our youth attend school or are enrolled in a ged or job training program. Through The program's structure, support, consistent expectations and most importantly, quality nurturing care, our children and youth realize that they are lovable, capable and worthwhile. It is through this relationship that they begin to trust and to heal, learning pro-social skills to help them succeed in life and break The cycle of abuse and neglect. Kids village and aim services are in high demand, serving hillsborough, pinellas, pasco, marion, alachua, collier, sarasota, palm beach and monroe counties. As a result, our programs are consistently at capacity and serving an average of 60 youth daily. Total served during The year ending june 30, 2023, is 118.

Grants made by Children's Home Network

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
The Children's Home FoundationEndowment Contribution$522,322

Who funds Children's Home Network

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Camelot Community CareChild Welfare Services$3,211,476
Healthy Start Coalition of Hillsborough CountyTo Educate, Promote Positive Birth Outcomes, and Protect the Health and Well-Being of All Mothers and Children in Hillsborough County$1,489,541
ChildNetResidential Group Care$261,438
...and 33 more grants received totalling $5,584,632

Personnel at Children's Home Network

Irene K. RickusPresident and Chief Executive Officer$183,609
Tami GronsethChief Financial Officer
Frank MassaroChief of Philanthropy$100,072
Donna KrauserChief of Out of Home Care$109,851
Taylor CheesemanExecutive Vice - President Operations
...and 6 more key personnel

Financials for Children's Home Network

RevenuesFYE 06/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$21,381,548
Program services$811,444
Investment income and dividends$326
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$-1,367
Net income from fundraising events$-5,718
Net income from gaming activities$25,917
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$0
Total revenues$22,212,150

Form 990s for Children's Home Network

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-062024-04-11990View PDF
2022-062023-02-16990View PDF
2021-062022-05-03990View PDF
2020-062021-04-15990View PDF
2019-062020-09-17990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s

Organizations like Children's Home Network

Italian Home for ChildrenJamaica Plain, MA$16,117,930
Mississippi Children's Home SocietyJackson, MS$25,064,602
OHEL Children's Home and Family ServicesBrooklyn, NY$80,949,022
St. Joseph's VillaRichmond, VA$19,237,440
The Settlement Home for Children (TSHC)Austin, TX$6,764,260
HillsidesPasadena, CA$37,725,985
Murphy-Harpst Children's CentersCedartown, GA$10,619,219
Edgewood Center for Children and FamiliesSan Francisco, CA$57,009,649
Lad LakeDousman, WI$14,208,586
Christian Childrens Home of Ohio (CCHO)Wooster, OH$15,772,305
Data update history
January 20, 2025
Received grants
Identified 7 new grant, including a grant for $1,489,541 from Healthy Start Coalition of Hillsborough County
November 26, 2024
Received grants
Identified 5 new grant, including a grant for $50,000 from Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF)
October 19, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 6 new personnel
August 25, 2024
Received grants
Identified 13 new grant, including a grant for $3,211,476 from Camelot Community Care
May 22, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
Nonprofit Types
Human service organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizationsCharities
HealthMental healthHuman services
Political advocacyFundraising eventsReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringFundraising races, competitions, and tournamentsTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
10909 Memorial Hwy
Tampa, FL 33615
Metro area
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL
Hillsborough County, FL
Website URL
(813) 855-4435
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
P70: Residential, Custodial Care (Group Home)
NAICS code, primary
623990: Other Residential Care Facilities
Parent/child status
Central organization
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