Program areas at Children's Hospitals and Clinics of MN
Hospital program services: families look to Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota for the finest in pediatric Care. With two pediatric hospital facilities and 462 staffed beds, we champion the special Health needs of children and their families and are committed to providing high-quality, family centered pediatric services. The leapfrog group's annual list of top Hospitals named Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota's minneapolis and st. paul Hospitals as two of the top ten pediatric Hospitals in the country for quality and efficiency.see schedule o.
Research: Children's has 353 open research studies, of which 155 are actively recruiting clinical trials. In 2023 Children's received about $5.9 million from industry contracts and federal state and foundation sponsors. Types of studies and trials conducted at Children's are investigator-initiated studies, external multi-center trials, observational studies, registries, and supportive services such as case management. Children's had ongoing research in genetics, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, infectious disease, cardiovascular and critical Care, pain and palliative Care, cancer and blood disorders, neonatology, ent and rehab. See schedule o.
Education: many efforts to improve the Health and well-being of children and youth require long-term investment in their future. Children's provides education and training programs for providers, Health Care students, and other Health professionals in the following areas: 1) community medical education for community physicians: during the 2023 calendar year, Children's provided training to 471 affiliated residents and fellows, and hosted 398 medical student & 966 resident and fellow rotations at Children's minneapolis, Children's st paul, or both locations.see schedule o.