Program areas at Children's Literacy Foundation
The Children's Literacy Foundation (clif) operates seven programs for under-resourced children up to age twelve in new hampshire and Vermont. Serving over 25,000 children throughout out the year, each of clif's programs provide Literacy experiences and new books to children who may not have access to such opportunities. Over 50,000 books were given away to children this past year. Clif also provides new books to classrooms, community-based organization, and correctional facilities, and new library books to school and community libraries. Clif also provides support to community partners for creative Literacy projects with the students and children they serve. Clif also provides information, resources, and seminars to parents and caregivers so that they may encourage reading and writing for children. Additionally, clif offers professional development for teachers, librarians, and others through conferences and an array of online resources. Clif programs are as follows: year of the book: this comprehensive program provides ten selected schools with 25,000 in Literacy programs, educator support and new books for students over the course of the school year. Only schools with more than 35% of their students on free or reduced lunch are eligible. Rural libraries: this program supports libraries that service towns of less than 5,000 people. Selected libraries receive 2,000 in new books as well two Literacy events, including one at the local elementary school along with books for the school's library and a book giveaway for the students. Children of incarcerated adults: this program works with five prisons in nh and vt, providing seminars to the inmates on the importance of Children's Literacy, book donations to the family visiting room, and free books chosen by the inmates and sent home to their children. At-risk youth: this program partners with 20 community-based organizations serving children, including: low-income housing, after-school programs, childcare centers, summer camps, and ell classrooms. The children attend a fun Literacy event and receive new books, caregivers are offered information of Children's Literacy, and the organization receives new books to keep on-site. Community building: this small program seeks to bring children and others in their community together in fun and meaningful ways through Literacy, such as pen pal projects or as reading buddies. Revive: this program is offered to any clif community partner who has worked with clif within the past three years, providing 500 for the organization to use in Literacy programming as they choose. Summer readers: this program is offered to any summer program in nh or vt which serves children from under-resourced communities. The program provides one free Literacy presentation and a book giveaway.