Program areas at Chinook Fund
Community-led grantmaking focused on funding constituent-led and systems change work. The giving project (gp), an innovative leadership development program to train leaders to mobilize their networks to support social justice. Unlike traditional foundations, Chinook uses the innovative giving project model where volunteers learn about race, class, and systems of power, raise money from individuals, conduct site visits, and democratically make funding decisions during two grant cycles per year. Together, Chinook's programs address (1) the lack of adequate funding opportunities for grassroots organizations, particularly those led by and for black, indigenous, and people of color (bipoc); (2) the lack of opportunities for bipoc and low income communities to access training to be effective fundraisers and grant makers; and (3) the need for unrestricted funding for groups using community organizing as a primary strategy for social change.
Fiscal sponsor for Colorado funders for inclusiveness and equity (cofie), a mission-aligned organization that provides educational sessions and learning opportunities for philanthropy professionals to bring about greater inclusiveness and equity within philanthropic organizations in Colorado.
Another world is possible Fund, a partnership with transformative leadership for change, is a vehicle to invest in grassroots groups who are fighting for both a just response to covid-19 and a visionary future in the long-term.