Program areas at CHN
Housing development, property management & sales:chn is a seasoned affordable Housing developer and the nation's largest single-family developer using low income Housing tax credits through our nationally recognized lease purchase program. We develop Housing across asset classes and populations using mixed funding sources in Ohio, southeast Michigan, western new york and western Pennsylvania. We partner with sister nonprofits and public entities to implement neighborhood strategies. Affordability, sustainability and homeownership are our core principles. In 2023, CHN started or completed construction on 354 affordable Housing units and sold 79 homes to low-income families who could not otherwise achieve homeownership through our lease purchase program. CHN served 58 homeowners with the single family preservation program.
Training & education:chn operates one of the region's higher-capacity community resource centers, teaching financial and digital literacy, enhancing employment skills, and preparing clients to purchase and maintain their homes through our financial mobility program. Our financial mobility counselors are certified and hud-approved and follow the national standards for homeownership counseling. In 2023, 3,358 individuals received Housing counseling and education through CHN. 318 lease purchase residents received financial counseling and coaching to improve their financial health, which include increasing savings, improving credit scores, and building asset products. Another 425 households that were either at risk of or currently in property tax foreclosure were brought current on their property taxes. Also in 2023, CHN administered utility assistance programs that processed 51,385 cases.
Energy conservation & weatherization:through decades-long partnerships with utility companies and public agencies, CHN has become one of northeast Ohio's largest energy conservation and weatherization providers. Currently, we provide nearly $18 million in energy-efficient products and services annually (including weatherization and electric, water, and sewer conservation) to help make homes safer and more affordable. Reducing the cost of utilities and, by extension, the consumption of energy and the resulting carbon footprint of thousands of lmi residents each year, is a high priority and long- term strategic focus of CHN. To move the needle in this area, CHN completes thousands of energy conservation jobs for low- to moderate-income (lmi) households annually. This includes the removal and replacement of hvac to increase energy efficiency and to both reduce the volume of particulates in and improve the quality of the air in people's homes. The work also includes home insulation and other weatherization measures such as weather stripping, caulk, air sealing, and energy conservation measures including light bulb instillation, meter of refrigerator and/or freezer, replacement of high use refrigerator and/or freezer and client education. In 2023, CHN completed 5,491 jobs in a 22-county area.