Program areas at Chowan Perquimans Smart Start Partnership
Childcare Subsidy / Subsidy Admin (PSC 2341) (PSC 2361) Scholarships provided to eligible parents to help with childcare costs * 17 children from 17 families funded in Chowan County * 26 children from 26 families funded in Perquimans County
Community Outreach (PSC 5517) Builds relationships in the community through events and partnerships with other agencies to inform families of resources offered to prepare children for kindergarten * 17 Community Presentations given * 32 Community Events participated in or hosted * 776 attendees to Week of the Young Child Children's Festival * 511 Children received Toys for Tots
Childcare Resource and Referral (PSC 3104) / Child Care Health Consultant (PSC 3414) Provides assistance to childcare providers through training and technical assistance to maintain or raise star ratings and quality of care. * 136 Technical Assistance Consultations in 17 facilities * 22 Trainings held with 210 attendees * 27 childcare staff from 14 facilities and 92 parents using Lending Library
Project EDU (PSC 3105) Provides higher education advising in the field of Early Childhood Education * 11 childcare professionals received coaching and advising for higher education * 6 childcare professionals enrolled in college * 6 childcare professionals received incentives for attending college
NC PreK Subsidy: (PSC 2342 TANF Eligible; PSC 2348 NON-TANF) Funding provided to NC PreK classrooms * 27 Non-TANF and 60 TANF students funded in Chowan County * 27 Non-TANF and 9 TANF students funded in Perquimans County
Reach Out and Read (PSC 5523) Provides a free book to children at each well-child visit which opens up the conversation for medical providers to advise parents of how to improve their child's literacy * 2133 books given out at well-child visits at five medical sites
Kindergarten Transitions (3122): A Summer program for rising Kindergarteners who have not been in a high-quality four-year-old program. Students were introduced to early literacy concepts, math fundamentals, social and emotional learning, and routines. A total of 22 children participated.
Parenting Skills Training (5505): A program to help parents destress and resolve parenting issues * 89 parents completed short one-time sessions 54 children impacted
BABY (Birth And Beginning Years) (5512):Through a series of ten classes covering topics such as Labor, Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression, and Child Development, parents are provided a platform to learn, gain support and receive resource information * 18 expectant mothers and five fathers attended the class, impacting 18 children * 12 mothers completed the program
Dolly Parton Imagination Library (5526): Mails a free book monthly to children from birth to fifth birthday * 926 children served
Program Coordination (5603): Ensures accountability of Partnership programs building capacity, monitoring, and evaluating all Partnership activities to assure progress towards goals, objectives, tracks and reports outcomes.
Parents As Teachers (PSC 5506) Kaleidoscope Play & Learn: A program providing weekly play groups promoting early learning and healthy development in young children. *22 parents served; 22 children served*