Program areas at Chris Kolenda Saber Six Foundation
2023 in person events: the annual reunion, "pedals and parachutes" was a weekend event that gathered together unit member veterans, family members and supporters. The event was hosted by Saber Six Foundation over veterans day weekend, nov. 9-11, 2023 in petaluma, ca. The event focused on building purpose, belonging and well-being in our veterans. As such, activities included a welcome dinner (belonging), a first-ever public presentation by a gold star widow (purpose), a supportive bike ride (well-being) through the petaluma hillside (24 or 48 miles long), walking in one of the largest veterans' day parades in California (purpose, belonging and well-being), being recognized by the people of petaluma, ca for their sacrifice (well-being), a concert performed by a unit member (purpose, belonging and well-being), and finally, a chance to tandem skydive (well-being).
2023 self-directed programs: the Foundation initiated the first of their self-directed programs to build well-being in veterans. The first such program to roll out in 2023 was the 22-day trigger mastery challenge. This challenge was designed in cooperation with dr. mark goulston to encourage veterans and others to control their triggers, create new habits, and improve their well-being.
2023 virtual events: the Foundation conducted monthly stable calls with veterans and families as a way of promoting purpose, belonging and well-being. During the calls, the foundations conveys useful information by inviting professionals to talk, asking veterans to skill share, asking members to share stories of their successes, challenges, and introducing new members. Also, an opportunity to share Foundation news and promote upcoming events designed to engage veterans. Furthermore, veterans are asked for their feedback on programs and how they would like the Foundation to grow and support them.
Foundation's general program expenses related to the expansion of the Foundation's mission to build purpose, belonging, and well-being.