Program areas at Christian Community Credit Union
Christian Community Credit Union (the Credit Union) offers a full range of banking services to its members, both retail and ministry. As of 12/31/22, our members had $772,924,178 on deposit in insured accounts in the Credit Union. The Credit Union had $109,362,794 in savings accounts, $236,912,376 in checking accounts, $233,048,244 in money market, and $193,600,765 in certificates of deposit and iras. The cost of funds at year-end on these accounts was 0.5%. The Credit Union began the year with 28,762 members and ended the year with 29,379 members for an increase of 617. The Credit Union had 27,464 in individual accounts and 1,915 in ministry accounts at year-end.
Christian Community Credit Union's (the Credit Union) field of membership includes many churches and ministries. The Credit Union provides loans to these members to buy, build, or renovate real property at rates and terms not available to them through banks or other financial institutions. The largest portion of our ministry loan portfolio is made up of first trust deed loans. The Credit Union had $294,520,197 in outstanding first trust deed loans to churches and ministries as of 12/31/22. They represent 44% of our loan portfolio and 33% of our total assets. The yield on these loans was 4%. The portfolio increased 21% during 2022.
Christian Community Credit Union (the Credit Union) exists to provide loans to its members at rates and terms not available to our field of membership through banks or other financial institutions. The largest portion of our retail loan portfolio is made up of first trust deed loans. The Credit Union had $279,183,013 in retail first trust deed loans as of 12/31/22. They represent 41% of our loan portfolio and 32% of our total assets. The average yield on these loans was 3%. The portfolio increased 1% during 2022.
Credit Union consumer lending: the Credit Union has $28,476,873 in car loans, $21,225,012 in Credit card accounts and $2,596,370 in student loans.