Program areas at Christian World Outreach
Burkina faso - cwo has developed a vocational training center for young ladies called the village of opportunity (voo). The goal of the voo is to provide classes in sewing, cosmetology, french, english, business, agriculture and bible so the young ladies can improve their lives and the lives of those in their villages. Cwo currently has 92 students at the voo in addition to 3 interns. In 2021 culinary classes were started, adding to the voo curriculum. Agriculture is taught using shade structures and some new drip irrigation farming which also provides food for the students. The chicken project continues to be used for education purposes and has begun to be self-sustaining. Cwo has also developed a mobile clinic to offer medical attention to those in remote villate where there is little or no medical care offered. An increase in terroritst activity has let to the clinic traveling to displacement camps to give medical care to those in need.
Haiti - in 1978, cwo began working in haiti. Cwo currently partners with either churches, operates three feminine training centers (ftc), has two childrens feeding programs, and runs a health and nutrition center. Cwo partners with the eight churches offering church and leadership development so they can minister in their communities. A leadership confrence and great discovery camps are two opportunities for learning and evangelism. The ftc offers vocational training to women in sewing, cosmetology, cooking and baking, and crafts so that they can provide for themselves and their families.
Zimbabwe - the work in zimbabwe is two- fold. Work began by offering pastor and leadership training to those ministering in the local churches. Seminars are offered giving practical biblical teaching that addresses the everyday needs and concerns of those leading the churches. Early on one of those issues was the growing number oforphan and double orphan children brought on by hiv/aids. The our kids (ok) program was established to assist the communities in caring for these children. Today this ministry has expanded to all vulnerable children. Cwo assisted with school fees, food, offering counseling, finding care givers and training caregivers in dealing with bringing children into their homes. There are currently 200 children in the ok program. Cwo has begun to assist the communities where the pastors and children live through sustainability projects.
South africa - cwo began ministry in south africa addressing the social issue of single mothers raising sons. The ministry began with bible studies specifically designed for single mothers. As these bible studies began, the ministry expanded to meet needs that were discovered while working with single mothers. Facilitator training for the bible studies has begun in person and video conference calls. Ladies are being trained to lead bible studies in their churches and communities. Men molding men camps for boys being raised by single mothers began giving these boys to be mentored receiving needed guidance from men who could speak into their lives.
Sri lanka - cwo established work in the village of anaivilunthan in the northern part of sri lanka. The ministry has now been established in the southern part of the country. Much needed tutoring for 40 children is now being given where the education system is lacking. Widows and elderly also receive food packets bi-monthly as well as other assistance of physical needs when needed. During the year 20 widows and elderly received care. Also, 28 ladies received prenatal and postnatal care receiving food packets for themselves and their infants. Discipleship training has now been established for young people and couples. Dayand weekend retreats have been held for those wishing to grow in their faith.