Program areas at Church Planting International
Support of cross-cultural missionaries. Support of one missionary in Peru for personal support and ministry expenses.
Helping the needy. School lunch program for over 300 children in Uganda, funding of at least 20 emergency medical treatments and surgeries, food distribution to hundreds during two famines in Uganda, support of three widows, and help with clothing, bedding, clean water and educational fees in Uganda.
National worker support: in Uganda, Peru, Mexico, and Myanmar. provided general financial support of 18 Christian workers for evangelism, church planting, leadership training, and helping the needy. Provided materials for construction of one church building in Peru, Bibles and chairs for churches, and fees for seven Ugandan Bible school students.
Leadership training and teaching and short-term mission teams. Conducted and funded training in two Bible institutes in Peru, conducted two conferences in Peru, training workshops in Mexico, and taught in numerous churches in Peru, Mexico, and the U.S. Conducted two short-term mission trips, one to Mexico and one to Peru, which included a work project, children's ministries, and preaching.