Program areas at Sue Park Broadway PTO
Fall Fundraiser to raise money to supply school with additional learning resources such as software, Chromebooks, shade for outdoor learning, updated gym equipment, updated projectors, and various classroom requests made by teachers
Holiday Shop to encourage school spirit and assist paying for cost of learning materials for next semester.
Spring Fundraiser to pay for classroom technology updates and PE support
Spirit wear sales to promote school spirit and assist paying for school supplies
Family fun nights to promote family bonding and school spirit. Profit to help pay for deposits on bigger fundraisers and staff appreciation
School supplies fundraiser to assist with prepayment for school spirit wear.
Square1Art fundraiser money collected and distributed to the art department for supplies
Other general line item for brick pavers, hall of fame donations for rewards and shirts, staff appreciation, field trip fees, campus enhancements, computer monitors.
operating expenses, supplies and insurance for organization