Program areas at Citizens' Council for Health Freedom
Communication, education, and analysis: educational efforts: video presentations - combining facebook's popularity and american's attraction to video presentations, cchf provided 17 facebook live videos in 2023, including from Washington, d.c. and the annual direct primary care conference. Speaking engagement - cchf's president gave 20 presentations in 2023, including speeches at various events in cchf's home state of Minnesota, in addition to Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Texas, and Wisconsin. Pete hegseth was the keynote speaker at cchf's annual fundraising gala. The event was packed as about 400 guests heard his presentation which focused on the importance of Freedom and cchf's presentation about the Health care situation in america circa 2023. "covid-19 quick reference guide" - this popular guide continued to be downloaded in 2023, likely due to the continuation of covid and long covid diagnoses. In 2023 the cchf website records approximately 1,290 downloads per month. Patient toolbox received approximately 24,000 views in 2023. Sharing news and perspective - approximately 6,253 individuals received our quarterly hardcopy newsletter (Health Freedom watch) and approximately 9957 subscribers receive our weekly enews by email. Our new communications specialist, along with our renewed access to the cision media software, launched a press operations to share our perspective with reporters specializing in Freedom, Health care, and privacy. Major interviews include fox business, the epoch times, the tenpenny files, the jeff dornik show, city of god podcast, and vcy crosstalk. Over the year, there were a total of 109 interviews by news media. Pitching began in november/december for a total of 58 pitches to the news media (nov./dec. Only) social media engagement -the cchf website had 118,670 unique visits. Two twitter accounts totaled approximately 5,466 followers and two facebook accounts totaled approximately 18,652 followers. Reels - our hipaa reels had a total of 3,439 views. Health Freedom minutes (radio) - this one-of-a-kind national radio program shares one-minute nuggets of news and insights every weekday on 810 radio stations in 47 states. Legislative alerts - cchf distributed information and alerts to national and Minnesota subscriber lists totaling 10,635 individuals.
Special projects: website redesign - in 2023, cchf engaged with contracted support to redesign its main website ( and began to redesign the wedge of Health Freedom after the main website was launched. Between the two, it was a year-long endeavor. The wedge of Health Freedom (the wedge), a free online listing of direct- pay, patient-centered, affordable, third-party-free practices. In 2023 cchf counted more than 450 practices, including four cash-based pharmacies, and a number of dental practices.
Policy initiatives: federal: cchf was in Washington, d.c. for several days in june talking to members of congress and their staff in 17 offices. Topics of discussion included the "baby dna" issue, access to catastrophic (real) Health insurance; social determinants of Health; and the retirement Freedom act. Minnesota legislature: cchf testifies in opposition to the direct-to-consumer genetic testing bill, and opposed the cancer research bill due to insufficient patient consent. Various one-pagers were created and distributed during the 4.5- month session. State legislatures nationwide: cchf testified in Montana on a "right to use medications off-label bill- and at the request of a member of the Montana legislature, wrote legislation to protect genetic privacy. We also expanded our online model state legislation library, adding proposed legislation that policymakers nationwide can use to create patient-centered, free-market, privacy- protecting law in their states.