Program areas at Climate First Replacing Oil and Gas
My People, My Air/Mi Gente, Mi Aire - Program focuses on empowering environmental justice (EJ) communities and combating pollution burdens in vulnerable neighborhoods in Ventura County. This program has three primary areas of work: (1) Air monitoring program that collects air quality data to help inform EJ communities, supporting environmental policy changes, and encouraging local participation in decision-making processes. Program includes deployment of 21 air quality monitors that measure pollutants from production and burning of fossil fuels. (2) Sponsorship of the Environmental Voices Academy that teaches advocacy skills to local high school students including designing and implementing education and advocacy projects on negative health impacts from a natural gas compressor facility located near a local school and homes, pressing a local school district to convert to renewable energy, and raising awareness on local environmental issues. (3) In partnership with two local unions, work to create green jobs and train a skilled green workforce in Ventura County in industries such as renewable energy and electric vehicle infrastructure.
Monitoring & Investigating Antiquated Conditional Use Permits CFROG continues its ongoing work monitoring all antiquated permits in Ventura County, including compliance, and pays especially close attention to new drilling applications on these permits. CFROG formally opposes projects in vulnerable areas. In Ventura County, a zoning ordinance loophole has made it possible for over 70 percent of active and idle oil and gas wells to operate on drilling permits awarded in the 1940s and 1950s. These grandfathered permits allow some oil companies to drill new wells, or begin fracking, without submitting to an updated environmental review. As part of our overall work on antiquated permits, it also meant supporting and educating the public about the environmental implications of a grassroots ballot initiative campaign that would have closed the permit loopholes and upheld a decision previously made by the Ventura County government to close the loopholes. The referendum was closely defeated and the loopholes remain open.
Building Public Awareness on Local Fossil Fuel and Climate Issues CFROG continued its work to reduce environmental pollution from oil and gas operations and promote a clean energy future by raising awareness and educating local decision-makers and community members on the importance of adopting bold Climate Action Plans, expanding car electrification infrastructure, promoting renewable electricity, phasing out fossil fuel infrastructure, and monitoring progress made toward greenhouse gas emission reduction goals as set by the Ventura County 2040 General Plan. This has included sharing resources at community events, working with other like-minded community groups, creating and disseminating educational and background materials, and making presentations at local schools and community groups.
The Organization has various other programs and community outreach efforts in support of its mission.