Program areas at Citizens' Housing and Planning Association
Housing navigator - chapa serves as the fiscal sponsor for Housing navigator (hn). Hn offers tools and information about affordable rental Housing for anyone throughout Massachusetts.
Research advocacy and coalition building - chapa works to increase resources and programs for affordable Housing on the state and federal levels. The organization works collaboratively with diverse groups of individuals concerned with Housing and community development. Under this program area, chapa manages the new england network, which brings together Housing advocates from all six new england states.
Housing counseling and education programs - chapa manages several programs to increase homeownership opportunities for low income households. These include: a homeownership counseling grant program under a contract with the u.s. department of Housing urban development (hud) and the Massachusetts homeownership collaborative, which provides technical assistance and training to home buyer counseling agencies.
Massaccess registry - funded by Massachusetts rehabilitation commission and managed by chapa, the Massachusetts accessible Housing registry is a database of accessible units throughout Massachusetts that helps to match people with disabilities with vacant apartments.
New lease for homeless families - chapa serves as the fiscal sponsor for new lease for homeless families (nl). The nl program works collaboratively with state agencies, quasi-public organizations, affordable Housing providers and nonprofit organizations to reduce homelessness in the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Training and education - chapa acts as an information clearinghouse for the affordable Housing and Planning community. The organization maintains a web page with monthly updates and sends out regular newsletters with updates on state and federal Housing policy. The organization also holds conferences and forums to keep affordable Housing stakeholders informed of new programs, developments and/or changes in public policies.