Program areas at City of Refuge
Housing: cor housing programs include 40 rooms on campus with full wrap-around support for women and children experiencing homelessness, a men's supportive housing program that opened in 2023 with 31 units for veterans, re-entering citizens, and youth ages 18-24, master leases on 15 affordable permanent supportive housing units directly across the street, and a welcome home with 4 rooms for survivors that opened in 2023. In 2023, cor and its partners housed 309 men, women, and children and fielded more than one thousand housing requests each month.
Vocational training: the workforce innovation hub prepares underemployed residents for employment that increases their self-sufficiency. The hub offers vocational training classes, workforce development, regular job fairs, and job placement services. The reentry hub provides additional support for individuals involved with the criminal justice system to successfully reenter the community. In 2023, the hub graduated 322 students from job training and placed 727 community members in jobs. The reentry hub served 98 citizens.
Health & wellness: cor serves nutritious meals three times daily and provides physical fitness and life skills training opportunities. A partnership with mercy care gives onsite access to medical, dental, and health services. In 2023, cor served 317,922 meals and partnered to provide 11,714 medical services.
Youth development: cor provides year-round, full-day preschool for children ages 6 weeks-5 years old and year-round out-of-school programming for students in grades k-12. In 2023, cor completed a merger with bright futures atlanta and expanded it as City school to provide tuition-free private school for students in grades 4-12. Cor also provides scholarships for neighborhood students pursuing college and post-secondary education. In 2023, these programs impacted 331 youth and provided 23 college scholarships.
Human slavery: City of Refuge partners and supports house of cherith for the human slavery program. The program consists of an emergency and long-term residential trauma-informed care program for rescued survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking, with a focus on recovery and restoration. In 2021, house of cherith housed women and provided food, nutrition, counseling, case management, substance abuse treatment and vocational training. They achieved healing and life success.