Program areas at City Union Mission
Men's emergency shelter: the Mission offers hundreds of beds housed in a clean and substance-free environment with overflow capabilities as needed during extreme (hot and cold) weather conditions. The Mission offers food, shelter, warm showers, and basic medical care, along with opportunities for case management and life recovery. This year, our men's ministries provided our guests with 28,554 nights of shelter; 63,060 meals; 1,391 health screenings performed; and distributed 797 pieces of clothing to our guests.
Minor care center: the Mission offers men with mental or physical disabilities accessible shelter and specialized services in a secure environment. The Mission coordinates guest care with local social, medical and mental health service providers to help stabilize their immediate physical and emotional conditions, while working to find longer term solutions, such as independent living or appropriate alternatives. 183 men were admitted into the care facility and 105 were placed in community housing, amounting to 5,327 bed nights and 15,981 meals.
Family shelter: the Mission offers food, shelter and assistance for women and families. The shelter has 148 beds in 31 rooms equipped for single or family occupancy, with overflow capabilities as needed during extreme weather conditions. The Mission provides their guests with a safe place to stay, nutritious meals, spiritual counsel, and case management to address and resolve many of the traumatic issues they face. In 2023 our family ministries provided our guests with 26,419 bed nights and 47,849 meals, 1,303 health screenings, and 53,007 pieces of clothing. The Mission also provides transitional living housing for men, women and families.