Program areas at Clark University
Instruction and academic support: Clark's fall 2022 enrollment consisted of 2,389 undergraduates and 1,412 graduate students. Our motto - and mission - is "challenge convention; change our world", and our faculty members work to inspire their students to utilize their liberal arts based education to make a real difference in the communities in which they live and work. We also have strong graduate programs, which include masters' level degrees and eight phd programs.
Research: Clark is committed to a program of research and has a very professionally active faculty, virtually all of whom are engaged in sponsored or unsponsored research and creative activity. Undergraduate and graduate students participate extensively in faculty-directed research. Research is funded by both private and public grants.
Financial aid: Clark is committed to being affordable to those students able to meet the high academic expectations of our faculty. Approximately 95% of undergraduate students receive some level of financial assistance, which is distributed on the basis of both merit and financial need.
Auxiliary services includes providing high quality residence halls, food service, and campus store services to Clark students.student services programs support an environment for students that encourages them to become active, involved and responsible citizens in global communities. Resources are expended to provide support to students in achieving their non-academic goals and providing a balanced and healthy social environment.