Program areas at Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech / Clarke School for Hearing and Speech Florida Inc
Clarke teaches children who are deaf or hard of Hearing to listen and talk. Clarke Florida provides listening and spoken language programs and services (referred to as "auditory-oral" in Florida) for children who are deaf or hard of Hearing (dhh) and their families throughout the state, including: birth to age three programs, full-day, five days a week, year-round (summer services are included) preschool, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade programs., parent support groups, auditory, Speech and language services and therapies. and services to support preschool through high-school-aged students at inclusion Schools to help them thrive in new settings, including direct service models available at the request of individual School districts. The programs are led by professionals trained in early childhood education, Speech language pathology, education of the deaf and spoken language development, developing sensory awareness, fine and gross motor skills, cognition and social skills. Clarke's summer programs, designed specifically for children with Hearing loss, are led by experienced teachers of the deaf and through a variety of activities that foster leadership and independence while enhancing listening, communication and social skills. Approximately 34 children served.
Clarke early intervention programs: Clarke's early childhood/parent infant programs serve children who are deaf or hard of Hearing from birth through three years of age. Clarke Florida professionals work closely with families of infants and toddlers to support listening and spoken language learning. With home visits, tvisits, "caregiver and me and our daily, center-based toddler-twos group, families have a number of options for accessing family-centered intervention. The innovative program helps parentslearn to use listening and spoken language techniques to enhance their child's communication skills.
Tvisit teleservices program offers a full range of customized listening and spoken language (lsl) services virtually for children of all ages and their families. Approximately 58 children served.
Clarke mainstream services: services for students in inclusive education settings: through a variety of customizable sevices, Clarke professionals help children with Hearing loss make successful transitions into their neighborhood Schools and thrive among their Hearing peers. These services include individual auditory, Speech and language services are available for children in inclusion programs, transitional planning services to help facilitate adjustment into inclusion Schools, and customized strategies for success for students with Hearing loss in inclusive education settings. Clarke's itinerant teacher program provides a teacher of the deaf to support and train the educators working with students. Clarke's professional development services provide Schools, districts and professionals with assistance in planning, direct instruction, staff orientations, teacher consultations and adjustment counseling. Approximately 6 children served.