Program areas at Clarksville Montgomery County Education Foundation
A. General funds include: 1- annual bash to benefit auction gala, is the signature fundraiser for the Education Foundation. We hope to generate awareness of the programs and initiatives supported by the Foundation which support student achievement. 2- employees of the cmcss give donations from their paycheck, and 3- citysaver is a fundraising program that benefits each school in the Montgomery County district.
C. cmc teachers warehouse: the teachers warehouse allows cmcss teachers the opportunity to have access to new and gently-used donated supplies for the benefit of student achievement
B. Grants: the Education Foundation offers several grant programs such as "great idea grant & big idea grants", "google grant", "stem(tech&academy)', 'community health Foundation grant- and "teacher of the year grant-; great idea grants & big idea grants are open to all cmcss educators to benefit their classrooms and special projects in a non-traditional way. Awards received are based on a competitive rubric and its potential impact school-wide or in the classroom.
D. academic awards: since its creation in 1986, the Foundation recognizes cmcss students who maintain academic excellence with awards, receptions, media recognition, and a banquet dinner. The students honored are first, second, and third year recipients who maintain no lower than a 93 average for the last two consecutive semesters, third-year recipients are honored with a sponsored family banquet. E. pass & go: the pass and go program continues to be successful, benefiting from the number of students who take and pass ap courses and exams, which increases with each year. F. leadership cmcss: the program is designed to build better community understanding of school system challenges and success, as well as to enhance public school system advocates. The goal of leadership cmcss is to help improve citizen knowledge about our local Education system practices. Each year community leaders are encouraged to apply for membership in this program. G. burt h.s: the purpose of this scholarship is to provide funds to foster and promote attainment of higher Education by awarding scholarships to descendants of burt high school. Descendants of burt high school refers to those persons whose ancestor attended burt high school. Funds for this scholarship is provided solely through the burt reunion association endowment established through the Education Foundation. H. partners in Education: a collaboration between the Clarksville Montgomery County Education Foundation, the Clarksville Montgomery County school system (cmcss), and the Clarksville area chamber of commerce, the partners in Education (pie) program works to unite clarksville-montgomery schools with local businesses and organizations for the benefit of our entire community. I. Dash to benefit: dash to benefit is a community-supported race to benefit the teachers and students of the Clarksville Montgomery County school system. All profits from this race will directly support grants, the teacher warehouse, academic recognition, and morale efforts to support the school system.