Program areas at Clean Lakes Alliance
Education programming - watershed engagement is a vital part of programming in order to achieve cla's vision that everyone realizes that the Lakes are the center of our community. There are diverse programs to engage diverse groups of people in the lake efforts. The programs are designed to educate both directly and indirectly. The idea is that issue-literacy leads to ownership, ownership leads to caring, and caring leads to progress. The cla watershed engagement programs include but are not limited to the frozen assets festival, yahara Lakes 101, lake explorer camp, renew the blue volunteer days, yahara watershed academy, lunch-n-learn community presentations, mendota freeze contest, reimagine warner beach design contest, rake for the lake campaign, my favorite lake youth art competition, farm tours, community breakfast, bike ride, Clean boats Clean waters, Clean Lakes 101 science cafes, volunteer days, state of the Lakes reporting, loop the lake bike ride, and citizen water quality monitoring. These efforts help improve community awareness of the yahara Lakes, thereby empowering individuals to advocate for and help make progress towards improving the quality of our waters.
Watershed programming - watershed restoration is an essential part of cla, helping to achieve the goal of 50% phosphorus reduction by 2025. The programs have included yahara pride farms financial assistance, clear Lakes grants, state of the Lakes progress reporting, yahara Clean project collaborations, demonstration pilots, and policy advocacy. On the ground, these programs create the framework to improve the quality of our waters.