Program areas at Cleveland Festival of Art and Technology
Ingenuityfest- serves the regional Ohio public looking for creative & inspirational experiences. Benefits 20,000 plus individuals annually- all ages income education levels, ethnic & geographic backgrounds. Brings the community together for hands-on experiences for children and families, young adults, professionals, seniors, creatives & hipsters, and neighborhood residents, which inspire and encourage new ideas and changed perspectives.
Ignite neighbor nights - serves st. clair-superior residents, especially families. 8 events held annually serving 200 people each event. Responsive and adaptable to community needs. Intergenerational, high-energy platform for neighborhood partnerships. Access to resources and network of helpers.
Ignite impact awards - serves female entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from minority communities. Benefits - 5-10 microgrants awarded annually. Microgrants help recipients cross a threshold, aspiring entrepreneurs get a vote of confidence along with tangible assistance such as space, tools, and resources. Awardees present at other ingenuity programs, are connected to paid opportunities, and help build trust networks with potential incoming participants.
The "ingeneers" are a volunteer-driven creative collective of nearly 300 active members. Ingenuity hosts free weekly meet-ups and skill-shares for this community. Ingenuity labs serve as a low-cost incubator offering tools, resources, access to peer-learning networks and affordable, sliding scale space for creative entrepreneurs. In 2023, ingenuity labs served 24 incubator members and is undergoing planned expansion in 2024 ingenious spaces is a fee-for-service consulting and commission practice in equitable placekeeping. Ingenious spaces offers programming through a wide range of third party partnerships wherein ingenuity staff consult on mission-aligned projects in public Art, public programming and education, by activating ingeneers and ingenuity labs members