Program areas at Cleveland Neighborhood Progress
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress (Neighborhood Progress) seeks to fulfill its mission through coordinated strategies defined in its 2022-2027 strategic plan. This begins with centering the advancement and resilience of Cleveland's community development corporations (cdcs), then buttresses that support with technical expertise in equitable Neighborhood revitalization, and city-wide marketing and advocacy.cdc advancement - cdc advancement provides technical, tactical, and operating support for Cleveland's cdcs. Major programs within cdc advancement are as follows:-facilitated support with city of Cleveland as the largest partner to Cleveland cdcs, cdc advancement staff participate in numerous working groups with the city of Cleveland to align program design, funding solutions, and technical assistance that supports cdcs.-relationship management designated cdc advancement staff focus on embedded relationship support to cdcs, provide strategic and team development capacities, troubleshoot technical challenges, provide responsive microgrant making, and facilitate two-way dialogue betweencdcs and cnp.strategic investment initiative (sii) - the sii program provides $1.5 million in operating support to Cleveland cdcs. Cdc advancement staff provides grant management and monitoring for all sii grants.shared services - cdc advancement staff oversees programs and projects that assist cdcs' productivity and impact in Cleveland's neighborhoods (i.e. : cdc training, workgroups, clean&green cleveland).cdc industry alignment - cdc advancement staff helps to facilitate discussion and decisions related to collaboration and highest impact through strategic alliances and mergers.
Advocacy and external relationsthe advocacy and external relations strategy covers the citywide markeng led by cnp (livecleveland), the support of Neighborhood markeng capacity at cdcs through training and development, and the story telling about the community development industry that advances its priories with policy makers and funders in Cleveland and beyond.
Equitable Neighborhood revitalization "enr" - the enr portfolio connects cdcs with technical assistance, training, and professional expertise in planning and open space, economic development, housing and real estate, sustainability, and workforce development. Major programs are as follows:neighborhood economic development training and professional development for cdc staff, microgrants to Neighborhood small businesses, pilot demonstration projects for parklets, whitebox renovations, and marketing support facilitation with regional economic development partners through the business growth collaborative.planning and open space a focus on design and development processes that promote health, wellbeing, and happiness of Cleveland residents through the creation of places and spaces that respond to community needs and encourage and sustain a positive quality of life.housing and real estate support building system wide real estate capacity and strategically implement housing development in buckeye, woodhill, and slavic village.sustainability through the circular Cleveland initiative, support the grassroots climate resiliency activities of climate ambassadors and facilitate connections with regional sustainability partners.workforce development establish connections with and training for cdc staff focused on reentry,workforce justice, and Neighborhood engagement that facilitates economic opportunity for employers and residents of Cleveland.