Program areas at Cleveland Right To Life Education
Bringing america back To Life convention - bringing america back To Life is an annual convention To promote a culture of respect for all human Life from conception To natural death and To encourage the restoring of foundational family values. The convention includes workshops, breakout sessions, and exhibitions by pro-life organizations. Participants each year include professionals in business, law, medicine and allied health professions, Education, the media, and religion, as well as other individuals interested in the topics of sanctity of Life and the value of the family.
Community Education and outreach - Cleveland Right To Life Education (crtledu) educates the community and encourages involvement through various activities including: educational materials and presentations - crtledu recognizes that many good and well-intentioned people are ignorant of the true nature of abortion and the impact on those people touched by the tragedy of an abortion. To promote understanding, the organization provides educational materials To individuals, families, college student groups, and other pro-life organizations. Crtledu also coordinates educational presentations To help inform the public on sanctity-of-life issues. Youth rally for Life - the youth rally for Life is a key example of crtledu's educational focus. The rally brings together youth and young adults and provides an opportunity for their voices To be heard on issues related To the sanctity of Life. Youth speak out about the fact that Life is a continuum from conception until natural death and must therefore be protected, enhanced, and loved by every member of society. Cleveland march for Life - the Cleveland march for Life (the "march") is an annual event consisting of a half-mile march, presentations by speakers, booths with educational information, and more. The purpose of the march is To promote a respect for the sanctity of human Life, To pray together for those whose lives are vulnerable, and To educate the public on related issues. Pregnancy resource referrals - crtledu regularly provides women and families with information about pregnancy resource centers in Cleveland and its surrounding communities, including through links To these centers on its website. Material support for mothers and families in need - through its material support program, crtledu provides such items as clothing, small household goods, and baby items To young mothers and families in need. Truth booth program - "truth booths" educate the public on the pre-natal development of the child in the womb using ultrasound video footage presented through an unmanned kiosk and videos that can be viewed on the internet or on dvd. Truth booths and dvds are provided To organizations and individuals interested in educating the public regarding the sanctity of Life.
From the median radio program - Cleveland Right To Life Education produces a daily radio program (from the median) that provides a daily report from the frontline of the prolife movement, through christian radio media. The program regularly features international, national, and local experts who bring their extensive knowledge and experience To educate and inform listeners regarding matters concerning the sanctity of Life and the value of the family.