Program areas at Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
Technical - to date, cdisc has developed therapeutic area Standards for over 44 disease areas and we continue to update and expand these Standards when possible. In 2023, cdisc continues to develop significant new versions of the cdisc foundational Standards (send, cdash, sdtm, sdtmig, adam, controlled terminology and Data exchange Standards). The trial master file reference model (tmf rm) standard has became part of the cdisc suite of standards.cdisc released several updates to the cdisc library to add new features as well as new versions of the Standards. Cdisc core rule engine and rule editor software has released as open source and the team continues to make progress. For the cdisc the digital Data flow project we realeased a reference architecture as a standard and are working on version 3. Cdisc continues to run numerous hackathons and workshops to promote, support, and sometimes sponsor open-source software focused on implementing or developing the cdisc Standards to drive innovation.
Events - cdisc hosted three virtual and one in-person conference in 2023. These conferences were "interchanges," individually focused on europe, japan, china and united states markets. The events promoted recent advancements by cdisc Standards teams, cdisc members and independent developers. Attendees came from various organizations in pharmaceutical, cro, technology, academic and biotech sectors. Cdisc also supported non-cdisc events throughout the year to further promote the aims of the organization to the broader Clinical research community.
Education - in 2023, cdisc education held the most live on-line training events in program history with over 130 virtual training events led throughout the year and over 1200 virtual attendees. The education team migrated to a new e-commerce system and upgraded the cdisc learning system to the latest version for the first time since 2018, allowing for easier access and new learning tools for the cdisc community.
Partnerships & collaboration - cdisc has over 530 active memberorganizations. Our members' support ensures that the cdisc standardsremain open and free. Membership dues allow cdisc to accomplish theprogram services mentioned above. Cdisc also works closely withregulators around the world to ensure that cdisc Standards facilitatethe e-submission review process and support the approval of new curesand treatments.