Program areas at Club for Growth
Legislative involvement and policy advocacy - the organization monitors legislation that can help or harm economic Growth, and urges its adoption or rejection by the u.s. congress and the president. In addition to its public education efforts, such actions for legislative involvement and policy advocacy included key vote alerts and press releases.
Political activity - resources were used for a program to research and identify future potential candidates.
Public education and research - the organization conducts a program of public education through speeches, articles, and tv and radio news interviews to educate citizens on the benefits of pro-growth policies and the work of the organization. Staff members wrote articles related to economic Growth that appeared in leading newspapers and news outlets. Staff members appeared on many nationally-distributed tv and radio news programs and dozens of local radio programs and were quoted in numerous newspapers and online news sites.
Lectures and conferences - the organization conducted a major conference during the fiscal year on economic policies that can increase economic Growth. Conference presentations were made by members of congress, economists, journalists and media personalities.
Publications - the organization publishes information in print and on the internet to educate on economic issues and to motivate people to act in support of pro-economic Growth policies. It publishes several membership newsletters, distributes weekly emails, as well as information on facebook and twitter, and posted hundreds of times using these media.
Other - in order to further its goal to foster economic Growth, the organization operated other programs not mentioned above. The programs related to economic Growth, such as fiscal responsibility, tax policies, and legal reform.