Program areas at Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients
The Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients (CHAMP) engages its 22 coalition leaders in meetings throughout the year to communicate, educate and advocate on behalf of people living with headache diseases. In 2023, we reached an estimated 1.4 million individuals through our collective social media efforts. Our Think, Talk, Treat public awareness campaign garnered 100 million impressions, with messaging dedicated to helping patients identify migraine and seek treatment.
Retreat Migraine is the only conference in the U.S. created by and designed for people living with migraine disease. With a focus on education, advocacy, and community-building from the patient-perspective, this experiential 3-day hybrid event brings together patients and care-givers with leading migraine stakeholders. 2023 highlights included: 254 attendees (144 in-person and 110 virtual); 20% of attendees were local to Minneapolis (in 2022 local attendees were <3%); 21 Workshops; Daily support group sessions; 3 Patient focus groups; Improved therapy room focused on device, movement and alternative migraine relief therapies.
In 2023, CHAMP connected over 53 patients, doctors, advocacy organizations, industry partners and national nonprofit leaders through a series of 3 meetings to strategize and partner on migraine disease priorities. These included payer engagement, barriers to treatment and care, and disease education efforts for patients and healthcare providers. Elevate continues to support the following programs it incubated and funded: Migraine at School, MigraineNation, ActNow, HeadEd, DiHAC, Patient Education Video Series.
Migraine at School collects and creates the best resources to ensure every student has the opportunity to flourish in school. In 2023, this program as active in 126 schools in 36 states. It currently has 100+ volunteer ambassadors in the U.S.
In partnership with Vector Psychometric Group for the project Migraine Clinical Output Assessment System, CHAMP provided professional review of and feedback on the project's qualitative material including the Interview Guide, Study Advertisements, and other related materials. Study Advertising Material supplied by VPG was distributed to coalition members via social media posts and email blasts.