Program areas at COTS
Supportive housing - this program sponsors 80+ units of permanent supportive housing under the hud shelter plus care program, 10 units of supportive housing under a hud grant for individuals with disabilities at the buersmeyer manor apartments, 40-45 units of supportive housing for families in our pathways to housing program, and 30 units under the omega project, a collaborative effort with development centers, inc. The permanent supportive housing program links leasing/rental assistance to supportive services for hard-to-serve homeless individuals and families who have serious mental illnesses, have chronic history with alcohol or drugs, have hiv/aids, or other physical disabilities. This program provides grants to be used for rental assistance. Cots manages the housing aspect of each program.
Counseling and housing services - assist families in reaching their housing, economic, health, education and career goals through coaching, mentoring, case management, educational referrals. Parenting support programs, life skills programming, afterschool and summer recreation programs provided by Cots staff and partnerships.
Emergency shelter - in march 2019 Cots opened a new renovated shelter at 16630 Wyoming with 120 beds available for families experiencing homelessness.beyond meeting the immediate needs of its guests, Cots also provides coaching, case management, and a wide array of supportive services to help shelter guests achieve self-sufficiency. Supportive services include the following: 1) licensed child care center2) laundry facilities3) computer labs4) daily meal service (3 meals daily)5) youth academic support