Program areas at CobbWorks
Adult program: see sch o for complete description.through this program we assist adult community members in obtaining their general education development (ged) and increasing their skills to read, write, compute, and use english. We work to bring together community resources to promote and support adult literacy training in cobb county. The literacy program also offered digital literacy programs through microsoft training and one-on-one computer tutoring. Trainings include microsoft word, power point and excel programs.
Worksource: see sch o for complete description.cobbworks, Inc. Delivers program services under the worksource Georgia identifier, worksource cobb as cobb county's american job center, worksource cobb/cobbworks provides access to a system of employment and education services for our local an increasing complex workforce and economy. People sometimes need guidance and assistance in managing their career development, particularly when challenged with unexpected events. Worksource cobb/cobbworks provides workforce services that assist people in helping themselves and their families. Individuals can receive basic core, intensive or training services.the center is open to any cobb resident in need of tools or resources to improve their employment outlook. Visitors have access to job vacancy listings, job search skills, labor market information, community resources, and financial aid. Assistance also includes resume writing, free job readiness workshops, access to fax and copier machines for sending and copying resumes, and access to computers with ms office software, internet access, and resume writing software. Intensive services consist of providing individualized assistance to job seekers through our comprehensive assessments and diagnostic testing, one-on-one career advisement and employment plans, and individual group and career counseling.if individuals are unable to visit our center, they may be able to access our mobile career center (mcc), a state of the art, fully accessible, computer lab on wheels. Through a partnership with the local library system, the mcc travels to county libraries in order to serve customers beyond our brick and mortar facility. The mcc provides the same core services in the vehicle that is provided in the workforce development center by traveling from location to location. Underemployed individuals looking to increase their job skills and obtain higher wages can receive funding of up to $10,000 for education, training, and supportive services. In addition to traditional training funding we also partner with other organizations to provide specialized training programs. Construction ready cobb is a partnership with the construction education foundation of Georgia, chattahoochee technical college, and hb next. Construction ready is a four-week program that screens and trains entry level workers. Earning up to eight industry recognized credentials, graduates of construction ready are drug-free, trained, credentialed and motivated to work.although our offices were closed to the public, due to the covid-19 pandemic, we were able to continue providing many of our services in a virtual mode through our website and use of the internet.
Youth programs: see sch o for complete description.the Cobbworks, Inc. Youth program serves youth ages 16-24 who have a barrier to successfully complete an educational or training program. The target group for this program is youth who are high school dropouts, basic skills deficient, pregnant or parenting, disabled, ex-offenders, low income, foster children homeless or runaway youth. Program participants have three different career tracks to pursue: secondary education (high school diploma/ged), post-secondary education (degree or occupational skill), or employment (work experience/internship program). For youth choosing the secondary educational track, the program offers participants onsite ged preparation class instruction and tutoring called our epic (educational pathways into careers) program. For participants entering into our post-secondary tract, the youth program offers financial aid and assistance into a training program that can include an associate degree program, bachelor degree, occupational skill/licensing program, or specialized training. Participants seeking employment can be offered a four month paid internship in their chosen career field. Each program offers case management and support services to ensure successful program completion. Supportive services can include ged testing fees, childcare assistance, transportation assistance, graduation fees, book fees, and monetary incentive for program completion.
Dislocated worker program services: individuals laid off through no fault of their own are classified as dislocated workers. Our programs support these job seekers with funding of up to $10,000 each to receive education, training, and support services leading to certificates, degrees, and occupational advancements to obtain new jobs, careers, and promotions. We partnered with service providers consisting of colleges, universities, and training enterprises and institutions to achieve these goals. In addition to the job training programs the workforce development center operated by Cobbworks, Inc. Provides a one stop service for job seeking customers with core, intensive and training to assist them in obtaining a job, and community businesses with support in identifying employees. Tools and resources include providing information of job vacancy listings, job search skills, labor market, community resources, and financial aid. Assistance also includes resume writing, free job readiness workshops, access to fax and copier machines for sending and copying resumes, and access to computers with ms office software, internet access, and resume writing software. Intensive services consist of providing individualized assistance to job seekers through our comprehensive assessments and diagnostic testing, one-on-one career advisement and employment plans, and individual and group career counseling.although our offices were closed to the public due to the covid-19 pandemic, we were able to continue providing many of our services in a virtual mode through our website and use of the internet.