Program areas at Cody Can Youth
The organization's primary exempt purpose is to encourage children to abstain from the use of illegal drugs. The organization operates programs for its participants, who are required to sign a contract to remain drug free, which contract must be signed by each participating student and his or her parent. The specific objectives and purposes of the organization are: 1. To sponsor and/or host events, activities, programs, and education for participants and the community, which are intended to encourage and promote living drug-free and excelling in life. 2. To provide positive reinforcement to participants for living drug-free and excelling by sponsoring participant-only events. 3. To provide opportunities for participants to engage in volunteer activities in the community and to participate in community activities. 4. To enter into arrangements with community businesses and local organizations to provide rewards and incentives to participants as a means to reinforce participants' decisions to be drug-free and to demonstrate to participants that those decisions are valued by people in the community.
In an ongoing effort to place the decision of students to remain drug free in the broader context of a healthy lifestyle within a healthy community, the organization continues to expand its community health and wellness programs. The primary changes for 2023 include: 1. Creating a strength class for young adults with disabilities. Participants are recent graduates of Cody high school who are working to maintain a healthy lifestyle as they segue into either independent living or living with a caregiver. The organization has offered twice weekly exercise classes, which include nutrition and lifestyle education components. 2. The organization is partnering with the Wyoming department of health on a community health and wellness initiative - a twice weekly strength and balance classes for senior citizens in the Cody community funded by the Wyoming department of health through december of 2026. The primary goals of this program include developing stronger intergenerational community bonds between Cody's senior citizens and Cody high school Youth by having the organization's members volunteer to assist with the classes. This volunteer opportunity furthers the organization's mission 3, which is stated above in this schedule o. (it takes a village and many teens do not have regular interactions with older family members.) A component of the grant was to utilize technology, so the organiztion is utilizing predictive technology along with community based interventions (the twice weekly strength classes) to prevent falls, safeguard independence, and improve mobility of seniors (ages 65 and up). - sparta plates, which are currently primarily used in the military and professional sports leagues to identify the potential for injury and then provide prescriptive training interventions by measuring load, explode and drive. The organization uses the plates to assess "sway- and balance issues, as well as to measure generated force as a measure of strength.
The organization maintains and harvests a vegetable garden to further the organization's goal of teaching healthy lifestyles to its participants. The organization's participants participated in all aspects of garden construction,maintenance, and harvesting and were taught food preservation and cooking skills.