Program areas at Cody Council on Aging
Congregate meals are prepared and served at the senior citizen's center for the elderly.
Rolling meals - meals are prepared and delivered to the senior citizens' residences. The Council prepares meals five days a week and delivers meals within a five mile radius.
Social services for the elderly consits of providing transportation, information & referrals for special needs, outreach client finding program, shopping assistance, recreation, visiting, treatment, exercise for health, telephoning and education.
Transportation - wydot funds (federal and state) are used for the operation and maintenance of the transportation vans. No senior is turned down for the inability to pay. 155,707 medical waiver - the Council provides meals and non-medical transportation to qualified recipients of the medicaid waiver program via a contractual agreement with the state of Wyoming, department of health as administrator of the federally funded medicaid program. 58,827 non aoa - 51,223 iiid - tai chi classes - 5,760