Program areas at Coffee House Press
Coffee House Press's largest program service is the publication of books to fulfill our mission. In fiscal year 2024, the program published 13 books and maintained a backlist of over 450 works. In the fall of 2023, out of the 6 books published, there was 1 novel, 1 novella, 1 work of translation, 1 work of essays, 1 anthology, and 1 work of poetry. In spring of 2024, the publications included 2 works of poetry, 1 anthology, 1 novella, 1 work of nonfiction, and 2 novels. Our growing list of authors includes african americans, asian americans, native americans, latin americans, european americans, spanish and basque authors, as well as a growing list of european authors. See schedule o for additional program language.significant achievements this past year include victoria blanco, author of the nonfiction book out of the sierra, nominated for a multitude of awards as well as one of our anthologies, american precariat, co-edited by members of the Minnesota prison writing House Press's second program service is community outreach. Coffee House Press has re-established free community events. The events, poetry open House and prose open House, were held solo or in partnership with local presses in which we invited authors to read for the community and allowed a space for their literature to be heard and appreciated. Coffee House Press has also launched writer's workshop, working with authors to teach classes based around writing, currently in person, with future plans to expand to virtual options as well.