Program areas at College Bound / A Million Stars
College Bound's to and through is A comprehensive, seven-to-nine year program that has proven successful in helping promising low-income first-generation (neither parent graduated from A four-year College) students get into and graduate from College at over five times the rate of their Bound's to and through College preparation programming for high school students builds A foundation for success at selective four-year institutions through the development of academic competencies and social skills. Beginning at the end of 9th grade, College Bound provides students with weekly opportunities, week-long intensives, and summer institutes and workshops that strengthen capacities in math, writing, critical thinking and test taking. During junior year, students receive intensive act preparation and take the act. College Bound students also regularly participate in extracurricular activities, such as community service and cultural opportunities, to develop non-cognitive skills that support academic achievement and dgree completion in school.additionally, College Bound's College access programming prepares students for application and entry at selective colleges that closely match their interests, aptitude and financial resources. Programming includes A compentency-based College knowledge curriculum, financial literacy coursework, pre-collegiate summer opportunities, College tours, residential application institutes, 1:1 completion sessions for the federal application for student aid (fafsa), and one-on-one College and financial aid counseling sessions.
At the College level, complete u is the primary to and through program. Complete u begins in the second semester of 12th grade and remains an active part of students' lives until they graduate from College. In the high school portion of complete u, students prepare for the emotional and psychological challenges of transition; they participate in A financial literacy program and learn the hidden rules of classroom etiquette and residential life from experienced College advisors. After students matriculate to College, they receive A broad safety net of human and financial resources. The goal of complete u is to ensure that College Bound students who are admitted to College are able to successfully graduate from College and become strong contributors within their communities and the workforce.