Program areas at College of Staten Island Foundation
See schedule o:these expenses represent The Foundation's accomplishments in assisting The College of Staten Island by developing an ongoing and increasing base of support from The community, individuals, corporations and foundations. Through this philanthropic support, The College of Staten Island Foundation allows The College to expand its margin of excellence which ensures its students, faculty, and staff The finest academic facilities available. Such examples include: facility improvements, The chazanoff school of business expenses related to The association to advance collegiate schools of business (aacsb) accreditation process, The athletics program, including uniforms and travel related to participation in tournaments, support for The school of health sciences, in particular The departments of social work and nursing and support for library and for career development initiatives.
The College of Staten Island Foundation is committed to serving thecollege community and its wide range of traditional and non-traditionalstudents by providing emergency financial assistance in a timely mannerto students who request The emergency funds through a certifiedcounselor at The addition to financial assistance, The College of Staten Island is providing emergency meals through The food insecurity and hunger initiative.
These expenses represent The College of Staten Island foundation'sendowed and non-endowed scholarships and awards at The College toprovide access to financial assistance to The many qualifying full-time and part-time students. The many scholarships allocated by The collegeof Staten Island Foundation ensure that these students have access to aquality higher education, remarkable achievements, and a brighter future.
To assist The College of Staten Island with enhancing resources, enrollment initiatives and providing funds to promote The verrazzano honors program.