Program areas at Colorado Auto Theft Investigators Association
CATI sponsored its Annual Training Conference in 2023. The conference was held from 04/17/23-04/21/23 in Colorado Springs, CO. There were 188 total attendees from Colorado and various other parts of the USA. The conference provided training as follows: VIN inspection certification, basic auto theft investigations, catalytic converter theft investigations, first responder trauma, Colorado Bureau of Investigation Lab updates, Colorado Department of Revenue updates, digital license plate information, General Motors security updates, analyzing use of force situations, East Coast crime trends, and an 18th Judicial District case study.
CATI spent funds to enhance communication for its members and the public. CATI has maintained a website for public information and crime tips. Also,law enforcement and private sector members can use the website to contact other investigative resources to facilitate both networking and teamwork,and to enhance the success of criminal investigations. The website also provides a source of information regarding quarterly news of interest to investigators, monthly meeting reports, and training announcements. There were 4,410 Page Views and 1,927 Unique Visits to the website during the fiscal year. CATI also held monthly meetings during the year for members to address organizational business, to announce training information, to share criminal intelligence, to address member issues, and to recognize member achievements. The meetings were available both in person and online via Zoom, with an average of 35 members in attendance per meeting during the fiscal year.
CATI sponsored various auto theft investigation related training classes at various locations and dates during the fiscal year. CATI provided 204 scholarships for investigators to attend these training classes. The classes included (4) Certified VIN classes, (3) Basic Auto Theft Investigation classes, (3) Rolling Surveillance 1 classes and (1) Rolling Surveillance 2 class.