Program areas at Colorado Rising For Communities
Throughout 2023, we worked with the national stop the uinta basin railway coalition with partners from several western states including center for biological diversity, friends of browns canyon, trout unlimited Colorado, american whitewater and many others. If approved, the uinta basin railway would allow the transport of 400,000+ barrels of heated waxy crude oil to travel by rail from Utah to the gulf coast. Every day, up to 10 additional oil trains - each roughly 100 cars long - would make their way through some of Colorado's most geographically sensitive areas, including glenwood canyon, grizzly creek, gore canyon and the moffat tunnel before crossing through north denver. With the frequency of wildfires, mudslides, avalanches, flash flooding, and rock fall a derailment is not only predicted to be likely, but guaranteed. From february to june, corfc organized several educational meetings for allies and supporters to urge us representatives diana degette (cd1), jason crow (cd6) and brittany pettersen (cd7) to publicly oppose the ubr proposal that would jeopardize the Colorado river and thereby the drinking water for over 40 million people throughout the western us. After several weeks of consistent meetings, all three us representatives published a joint letter of opposition to federal agencies, joining senator bennet and us representative joe neguse (cd2) in opposing the plan. On august 26, 2023, we hosted a flotilla to draw attention to what's at stake if the ubr is approved. Several local rafting companies donated boats and guides to carry passengers down a threatened stretch of the Colorado river. Over 30 professional and private non-motorized watercraft joined the float led by glenwood springs city councilman jonathan godes, and Colorado state senator lisa cutter.
We held several editions of our outdoor series events focused on engaging the outdoor industry, sports enthusiasts, athletes and outdoor retailers by discussing the impacts of fossil-fuel driven climate change on recreational opportunities throughout Colorado. Each event consists of a panel discussion with topics encompassing outdoor equity and accessibility, air quality, wildfires, reduced snowpack, and the social and economic costs of climate impacts on our outdoor economy. Co-hosts and partners included patagonia, american whitewater, Colorado fiscal institute, the lockwood foundation, new treks, lady justice brewery, vegan van, 3rd bird kombucha, as well as experts to discuss environmental economics, arctic science and our changing climate, hydrology, and climate policy. Panel discussions centered on the importance of Colorado's outdoor recreation and tourism industry and the impacts of fossil-fuel driven climate change due to increased frequency and severity of wildfires, historic heatwaves and droughts, degraded air quality, and reduced snowpack. Speakers also elevated how climate change will only further increase challenges of inclusivity and accessibility to our outdoor spaces for already marginalized Communities.
On october 27, 2023, corfc held its first annual youth unity Rising summit to provide high school aged youth of Colorado with immersive learning experiences through student-led workshops, a panel discussion featuring youth organizers, and access to empowering resources. The purpose of the event was to engage young leaders in a day-long summit to learn how they can advocate for climate and social justices, engage in stewardship projects to protect our environment, and participate in community healing. With over 20 local organizations participating in the resource and tabling fair, youth was provided time to connect with community organizations with service action, internships, and career opportunities. Panel discussion and workshops led by students, bipoc and lgbtq+ organizations included information on environmental justice, stewardship, advocacy, mental health resilience, and inclusive wellness. The youth summit engaged over 120 students from the denver metro area, generated over 10,000 in fiscal sponsorships, and brought together over 20 supporting partners including, denver office of climate action, sustainability and resilience, the center on colfax, spirit of the sun, defend our future, mi familia vota, greenlatinos, children & nature network, moms clean air force, groundwork denver, wellpower, and new era. The success of the youth unity Rising summit led to the creation of a youth fellowship program for freshman and sophomore students to train the following cohorts in environmental leadership and advocacy, as well as a youth advisory council to help inform the direction and focus of the second annual youth unity summit to be held in november 2024. The fellowship and advisory council will aim to cultivate youth leaders and continue to keep students engaged in activism throughout the year.