Program areas at Food To Power
Food rescue/no cost grocery programs: weekly resident-led healthy Food distribution programs that served Food insecure individuals, with additional individuals served through nonprofit Food rescue partnerships. In 2023, csfr received and distributed Food with the value of 1,696,254.
Soil cycle: launched in 2018, soil cycle is csfr's first social enterprise, a residential composting service. The service covers the entire downtown core.
Participatory action research: in partnership with el paso county public health (hear after epcph), csfr is conducting research for el paso county's first Food systems assessment, the purpose of which is To determine policy, systems, and environmental changes recommended by residents of four neighborhoods in southeast Colorado Springs. The work in the community entails neighborhood engagement, policy audits, focus group facilitation, market analysis, individual interviews, leadership development, creation of neighborhood Food councils, community Food fairs, and other educational opportunities.
General administration