Program areas at Columbia Opportunities
Weatherization program - assists income-eligible households by reducing heating and cooling costs through energy-conservation measures, while also addressing health and safety issues in their homes.
Head start supports children's growth through services centered around early learning and development, health, and family well-being. Head start staff actively engage parents, recognizing family participation throughout the program as key to strong child outcomes.
Community services block grant program - funds are used to support core services and activities for individuals and families with low incomes that help to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in our community.
The family literacy program provides support and guides adult and child learners as they meet their educational, vocational, and personal goals. It also helps to develop the home as learning environment for everyone in the family.
Other: the community services program provides emergency invervention for food and shelter needs, problem solving for income and family issues, and advocacy to insure that individuals and families have access to all available and necessary services.the volunteer income tax assistance (vita) program, in cooperation with the irs, offers free tax preparation and filing services by trained volunteers for people with low income. Permanent supportive housing (psh) provides housing assistance and case management services to assist households with at least one member (adult or child) with a disability in achieving housing stability. Home energy assistance program (heap) - coi assists eligible households in meeting their home energy needs through our alternate certification site for Columbia county, ny.