Program areas at Community Access To the Arts
Cata Arts in & Arts out program: in this core program, cata artists with disabilities participate in intensive Arts workshops led by cata faculty artists, developing new talents and building on skills week-to-week. Visual Arts workshops include drawing, painting, collage, photography, sculpture, and set and costume design. Performing Arts workshops include singing, songwriting, drumming, dancing, juggling, and acting. Other workshops include creative writing and yoga. 950 individuals were served.
Cata art exhibits: art exhibits at museums, galleries, and Community spaces showcase the talents of cata artists with disabilities for the whole Community To experience.
Cata performances and sharings:cata artists showcase their talents in dance, acting, music, juggling, comedy, and more in performances and sharings that engage wide public audiences.
Cata in the community:program partnerships, residencies, and various other programs that nurture the creativity of individuals with disabilities and share their achievements with the public.