Program areas at Community Action Committee of Pike County
Health services: the family health centers have provided quality, comprehensive health care to people in southern Ohio for more than 25 years. The center's goal has been to provide health care to all, no matter the patient's social, economic, religious or ethnic status.
Home energy assistance program: this program offers heating bill assistance during the winter heating season. Whether the eligible household heats with electric, gas, firewood, coal, propane, fuel oil or kerosene, this program can help. Also, the summer crisis program assists low-income households with residents who are age 60 and over and those eligble individuals with a qualifying medical condition and those most vulnerable to serious health problems due to the extreme summer temperatures. This program provides electric bill assistance.
Head start and day care services: the overall goal of the early childhood program is to bring about a greater degree of social competence in children. Social competence means the child's everyday effectiveness in dealing with both the present environment and later responsibilities in school and life. Children provided a wide variety of learning experiences will group up in all areas of development(socially, physically, intellectually and emotionally). Ultimately, the early childhood program is here to help Pike County's low-income residents solve some of their existing economic and social problems.
Various public assistance to low-income residence of Pike County, Ohio. Transportation services expenses were 754,747. Workforce development expenses were 1,641,308. Senior services expenses were 559,203. Weatherization assistance expenses were 595,595. Community based services expenses were 2,182,383. business development fund expenses were 77,666.