Program areas at Community Act Council for Lex-Fay Bour Harr and Nich Counties
Child education-cac is the grant recipient of multiple federal head start awards. Cumulatively, these programs provide high-quality, comprehensive early childhood education services for children, ages three to five, and their families in the communities of clark, estill, fayette, garrard, harrison, jackson, laurel, madison, nicholas, powell, rockcastle and scott Counties in Kentucky. Parents, Community leaders and agencies are involved in providing opportunities for children from low-income families to reach developmental milestones, preparing them to enter kindergarten ""ready to learn."" In fiscal year 2023, the head start programs served 1,129 children and their families.cac is the grant recipient of multiple federal early head start awards. These programs provide family-centered, high-quality, comprehensive early childhood education services for very young children (ages birth to 36-months) and their families, including pregnant women, in the communities of bourbon, clark, estill, fayette, garrard, harrison, laurel, madison, nicholas, powell, rockcastle and scott Counties in Kentucky. Early head start programs promote the development of each child and enable families to develop and meet goals that will move them along the pathway toward self-sufficiency. Early head start programs are tailored for the unique needs of infants and toddlers, promoting their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development to prepare them for continued growth and development and eventual success in school and life. In fiscal year 2023, the early head start programs served 659 children and their families.cac is the grant recipient of multiple federal early head start awards. Cumulatively, these programs provide high-quality, comprehensive early childhood education services for children, ages birth to five, from farm working families in the communities of bourbon, clark, fayette, madison, pulaski and warren Counties in Kentucky. Parents, Community leaders and other agencies are involved in providing opportunities for children to reach their full potential. In fiscal year 2023, the migrant and seasonal head start programs served 263 children and their families.
Weatherization services - the organization is the grant recipient of the federal weatherization assistance program in fayette, bourbon, harrison and nicholas Counties, Kentucky. The weatherization assistance program improves the energy efficiency of participants' homes through inspection, improvements and repairs such as insulating walls and floors, replacing heating systems and sealing windows and doors. In 2023, cac's weatherization assistance programs, including warmwise, served 135 individuals.the organization is the grant recipient of the federal low-income home energy assistance program (liheap) in fayette, bourbon, harrison and nicholas Counties, Kentucky. Liheap offers subsidy and crisis assistance with energy bills. Subsidy assistance offers participants a one-time credit to their utility bill and is available from november through mid-december. Crisis assistance offers participants who have received a disconnection notice (or who are within four days of running out of home heating fuel) payment of their utility bills with a co-pay requirement. Cac also operated a liheap summer program to provide emergency assistance for households struggling with high utility bills during the summer months. In total during fiscal year 2023, cac's liheap programs served 7,348 households.
Community services-through various programs, the Council served 12,649 individuals and 6,079 households during fiscal year 2023. The services provided range from emergency services, such as liheap energy assistance, food pantry operations and rental assistance, to those associated with transitional and supportive housing. The Council also assists individuals and families with financial education and tax preparation through its financial empowerment and volunteer income tax assistance programs.