Program areas at Community Action Partnership
Training and technical assistance: the training and technical assistance department builds Community Action agency capacity to address the causes and conditions of poverty and strengthen organizational capacity and efficiencies. The training and technical assistance is funded by the us department of health and human services, office of Community services, division of Community assistance and the us department of energy, office of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Additionally, these efforts are funded by private foundation grants.
Member services: members of ncap receive discounted event registration as well as training and technical assistance rates. They also receive discounts from ncap endorsed vendors. The member services department tracks dues payments and works to retain and grow membership from year to year. The department also works to ensure members receive their ncap memberships benefits.
Annual convention and mltc: the annual meeting (business meeting) of the membership is convened during the convention. This 5-day convention and mltc include general opening and closing sessions. Participants attend trainings covering promising anti-poverty practices, advancing equity, energy and weatherization, agency governance, head start, housing, leadership, Community economic development, job creation, management and organizational development, and risk management.
Certified Community Action professional: an associationsponsored, independently governed professional certification process for individuals employed in the work of Community Action at local, state, and national levels. Ccap is the premier professional certification andrecognition program designed specifically for america's povertyifighting network.
The pathways to excellence program offers a tiered approach that supports Community Action agencies as they strive for excellence through learning about the thirty-five standards of excellence and undertaking a detailed self-study of their policies and practices to inform continuous quality improvement efforts. The program also includes training for peer reviewers of agency self-studies and for staff wishing to lead a pathways to excellence self-study process.