Program areas at CAN
Child and family development:community Action provides high-quality early childhood education services to our Community's most vulnerable children (ages birth to five) and their families through early head start and head start programs. Programs focus on readiness - children ready for school, families ready to support their children's development, and schools ready to prepare the children who walk through their doors to graduate from high school. Programs ensure that our Community's most vulnerable children receive the cognitive, social-emotional, physical, and linguistic interventions they need to be ready for kindergarten and extend beyond the child to serve the whole family. Our educators and family engagement staff provide ongoing support to parents and caregivers to empower them to set goals, move toward greater economic stability, and prepare them to be their child's first and most important teacher. Additionally, our foster grandparent program works alongside our early head start and head start programs to ensure children receive the social-emotional supports necessary to develop to their fullest potential. In fiscal year 2023, 477 children were served through early head start and head start programs.
Homelessness prevention:community Action's homelessness prevention programs ensure housing stability and prevent homelessness through the provision of emergency services, supportive housing, and tenant support services programs. Our emergency services program provides emergency financial assistance with rent for those with an eviction notice, utilities for those who have received a disconnect notice, and deposits for those transitioning out of homelessness. Our supportive housing program transitions families experiencing homelessness into permanent housing and provides case management for up to two years to support movement toward self-sufficiency. Our tenant support services program provides tenant/landlord education and mediation with a goal of eviction prevention. In fiscal year 2023, 3,926 individuals were supported in avoiding homelessness through the receipt of financial assistance with rent and utilities.
Community services:community Action's vision for a healthy, vibrant, and inclusive Community motivates us to offer numerous vital services to the Community at large. Among these services is languagelinc, a professional interpretation and translation service and our gathering place soup kitchen, which provides nutritious evening meals 7 nights per week. In fiscal year 2023, the gathering place served 43,740 meals with 99% of those meals containing fresh content.
Financial and family well-being:community Action's financial and family well-being programs are geared toward increasing financial stability of low- to moderate-income individuals and families. Our individual development accounts (ida) program and free to save program provide financial education paired with 4:1 matched savings for the purchase of a home, postsecondary education, vehicle, or small business start-up/expansion; opportunity passport(tm) is similar in scope of services to the ida and free to save programs, but targets youth ages 14-26 in or aging out of the foster care system. Our lincoln Community response program supports and links families to resources to prevent entry into the child welfare system. The weatherization program identifies areas of energy inefficiency in low- to moderate-income homes and provides services (which may include furnace tune-ups, window/door caulking, and insulation) to remediate. Services provided result in decreased utility burdens and improved housing stock. Just to name a few outcomes achieved in fiscal year 2023, 92 individuals participated in programming to improve financial knowledge and 24 purchased an asset to improve long-term financial well-being.