Program areas at Community Action Partnership of Madera County
Migrant Programs: The Migrant Programs provide early education and other services to low income children and families of migrant workers in Fresno and Madera Counties. Services include child care, medical / dental screening, meals for children, mental health & disability services, and health and nutrition education. It served 831 children and families.
Other Programs including the following:*Rape/Sexual Assault Services: Victim Services provides help for survivors of sexual assault regardless of how long ago it happened or whether or not the assault was reported. Services include a confidential 24-hour crisis line and counseling.*Child Forensic Interview Team: Provides multi-disciplinary team to conduct interview of alleged sexual abuse with children. Provided 101 interviews.*Victim & Witness Services: Victim Services strives to reduce the trauma of a crime by empowering and assisting crime victims, witnesses, and significant others to restructure their lives through advocacy, support, information, and referrals.*Martha Diaz Domestic Violence & Transitional Housing Programs: Martha Diaz will provide up to 30 days of emergency shelter to women and children who are in immediate danger of domestic violence. The exact location of the 18-bed shelter is kept confidential to protect the safety of the residents. All residents receive lodging, food, and clothing. There were 50 individuals served. The Transitional Housing Program provides housing and continued case management for up to 18 months to women and children following the emergency shelter stay. Approximately 24 individuals were served.*Strengthening Families Program: This program instructs parents and children on how to function as an improved family unit. It teaches families to interact with each other in a thoughtful fashion. Approximately 132 families secured training.*Senior Nutrition Program: This program serves meals to seniors and assists in their daily nutritional needs. There were approximately 65 seniors served through homebound deliveries.*Housing provided on a non-emergency basis: There were approximately 50 individuals who were provided housing for those with mental health conditions. This housing was in addition to those receiving emergency housing.*Emergency Food & Shelter Programs:Provide housing assistance to qualified families of Madera County. Approximately 200 individuals were provided with rental assistance and there were 374 outreach services. There were 323 individuals provided food and 24 individuals with emergency shelter. Energy Programs:*The Community Services Department runs the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). LIHEAP applies a credit to PG&E and propane accounts, and helps pay for wood for applicants who qualify.*Weatherization also falls under the Community Services Department. The weatherization service enables families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient.
Child Care Programs: The Child Care Programs provide child care and referral services for low income families. Other services provided include educational and learning materials, meals for children and CPR and first aid classes to providers. Approximately served 741 children with child care, and 134 child care homes and centers were served. Provided children with 63,446 breakfasts, 64,576 lunches, and 32,735 afternoon snacks. State Migrant Program served 92 children and the California State preschool program served 136 children.