Program areas at Community Action Partnership of Oregon
Supportive services for veteran families (ssvf) - the total number of veteran households served during this period was 292 - 111 with homelessness prevention and 181 with rapid rehousing. The total number of individuals served in these households was 533. of the 292 enrolled during this period, 210 exited the program and 184 of those, or 88%, moved into permanent housing. A total of $1,229,728 was spent on temporary financial assistance (tfa) for veterans. In february of 2023, the ssvf program added two housing navigators to its team to work collaboratively with hud vash in supporting veterans needing housing placement. It continues to provide healthcare navigation services to veterans, as well as legal assistance through a contract with an outside legal firm.
Oregon training institute's (oti) mission is to conserve energy and to help low income residents of Oregon meet their energy needs while assuring their health and safety through, but not limited to; information sharing, identification of training needs as they arise and provide assistance to meeting those needs, preservation of decent, safe and sanitary low-income housing through weatherization, risk mitigation and home repair, and development and delivery of specific training to public agencies and others providing weatherization, risk mitigation, home repair and home-based health and/or safety services to low-income residents of the state of Oregon. Oti had a federal grant through the us dept. of energy in 2023 and operated on both training revenues and federal funds.
For fy 2023 the rural Oregon continuum of care submitted the 2022 hud collaborative application, monitored hud grant report submission, travelled through the geographic area and facilitated Community wide meetings, worked in collaboration with state agencies to roll out eo funding, acted as the lead agency for the rural Oregon pit count, managed hmis data for all rocc agencies, submitted agency support letters for state and federal grants, continued work on the coordinated entry system, administered rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing standards to all rocc agencies, and coordinated youth and domestic violence work groups. The hmis program added and trained 75 new servicepoint users, and continued support for an average of 300 users throughout the year. We provided data quality support for agencies totaling 20,757 unduplicated clients receiving some kind of assistance. Staff completed the annual system performance measures reports, longitudinal systems analysis, pit and hic data as required.
Community Action Partnership of Oregon (association) - served Community Action agencies across Oregon with training and technical assistance, public education and advocacy, building partnerships, and administering grant support. Capo works to build the capacity of Community Action in the state of Oregon by researching and communicating best practices in service delivery, data collection, marketing and outreach and grant management. Capo uses csbg funds and professional service fees and a small staff (approx. 1.5 fte) to provide these services across the network of 18 agencies.