Program areas at Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County
Energy assistance:energy assistance is a health and safety program funded by the federal low-income energy assistance program (liheap) to maintain affordable, continuous, and safe home energy for income eligible households in Hennepin County. The program provides financial assistance to households to help with utility (gas, electric, oil) payments, crisis intervention when utility shut-off or disruption is imminent, and referrals to other support programs. The program also provides financial assistance to eligible households to help with repair or replacement to homeowners' heating systems.
Housing and related stability services:the organization provides a variety of programs and services to help income-eligible Hennepin County households meet their basic needs and lift themselves out of poverty. Housing stability and related services include, financial wellness counseling and education, homebuyer counseling and education, rental counseling and education, emergency rental assistance, and rapid rehousing to assist eligible households obtain and maintain safe and affordable housing.
Community services and planning & development: the department works with individuals, groups, and organizations in Hennepin County to understand the needs of Community members with lower incomes and ensure they are aware of the assistance options available to them. A Community needs assessment is conducted at least every three years which forms the basis of the organization's three year strategic plan. The department also develops internal capacity, maximizes resources, and develops partnerships to better serve the low-income Community.
Related stability services provided by the organization includes, employment services, family assests for independence in Minnesota program, free income tax preparation, health insurance application assistance, and vehicle repair assistance to eligible households.