Program areas at Community Action Program for Madison County
Special supplemental nutrition Program for women, infants and children (wic) on Madison, herkimer and oneida counties. Wic offers nutrition education, breastfeeding support, referrals and a variety of nutritious foods to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum women, infants and children up to age five to promote and support good health.
Early childhood division-voluntary home visiting programs for pregnant and parenting families. The Program offers information, support and activities to help families raise healthy children.
Family and youth division-programs for families and youth, including youth mentoring, educational advocacy, self-sufficiency services and family Action, a voluntary home visiting Program that supports highly stressed families to become self-reliant.
Housing division-programs that assist low income individuals attain necessary housingalso, Community service block grant - grant that provides a range of services to assist low income individuals to attain skills, knowledge, & motivation necessary to achieve self-sufficiency.