Program areas at CARC
Lead programs: (carc) is administering the lead-safe home remediation pilot grant program with funds provided by the new jersey department of commumity Affairs. The purpose of this program is to identify and remediate lead-base paint haszards via interim controls to prevent elevatated blood levels in children and pregnant women in monmouth, ocean and atlantic counties. The program provides funding and technical assistance to low - moderate income tenants and homeowners within the three counties in reducing or elimating lead-based paint and other environmental hazards.
Homeless: carc is enabled to provide monetary assistance to prevent homelessness. They have grants that fund programs to provide assistance by paying the first month's rent, rent arrears, security deposits and utilities to individuals and families at risk of becoming homeless.
Employment programs: carc is a certified training provider approved by the state of new jersey department of labor and workforce development. With grant funds provided by the monmouth county division of workforce development, carc implements a referral-based job readiness with basic computer skills program to tanf (temporary assistance for needy families) and ga (general assistance) recipients. The program assist clients by developing a career plan and addressing workplace readiness skills necessary to obtain gainful employment. Participants develop conflict resolution and cognitive skills, oral communications and time management skills. Emphasis is placed on professional dress and demeanor, interviewing skills, work ethic as well as interpersonal and teamwork skills. Participants identify their personal qualities, strengths and weaknesses in order to develop a career assessment. At the conclusion of the 4-week program, participants will have created an effective resume and refined interviewing skills.
The organization carries out its mission by offering numerous programs to the Community including homelessness prevention, job readiness and employment placement, english as a second language, parenting education, health and wellness, youth program and others. In addition, case management services include, but are not limited to,: advocacy, protective services, domestic violence, information and referrals, translation and interpretations, income tax preparation, notary public, nj family care applications, food stamp (snap) application and nj shares energy assistance applications.