Program areas at CAI
Educational courses, seminars, workshops and conferences - cai offers educational programs, some of which lead to professional designations, to advance excellence in Community governance and management. Community association managers need to understand insurance, law, leadership, governance, finance and communications so they can help their clients create and maintain strong, vibrant and effective communities. Cai's professional development management program offers a number of courses throughout the country to help industry professionals become more versed in Community association management.
Chapter development and services - cai has 64 chapters worldwide, canada, the middle east and south africa. Chapters administer a variety of programs and services, such as professional development programming, Community association board member education, networking opportunities, educational publications and other services to meet the needs of their members. Some chapters have professional staff and others are administered solely by volunteer efforts.
Publications and resources - cai publishes a wealth of resources for Community Associations, including books, guides, "common ground" magazine, and specialized newsletters on Community association governance, law and Community management. Cai also conducts research and acts as a clearinghouse for information on innovations and best practices in Community association creation and management.