Program areas at Community Bible Study
U.S. Bible Study Classes: Write, edit, print, record (audio & video), teach, and distribute Bible study lesson materials for approximately 73,000 adults and nearly 20,000 children and teens in approximately 588 classes throughout the United States.
Leadership Conference/Training: Continue the CBS value of leadership development and training by offering worldwide training for local class leadership and other leaders, both online and in-person, depending on location. This includes monthly online training events for US leaders and distributed on-demand 'live online' trainings for leaders around the world, covering adult, student, children, and InPrison programs, as well as in-person trainings internationally. Additionally, an annual training conference is held for key North American leaders, along with annual training events within the zones to provide support, encouragement, and community for class leaders and shepherds.
International Entity Support: Provide Bible study lesson materials and leadership training to individuals in approximately 110 countries, which have been translated into 88 heart languages for conducting over 37,000 Bible study classes attended by nearly 1,043,000 people internationally.
Other Programs: Engagement in several small, community-based ancillary programs.