Program areas at Community Bridges
Our integrated programming encourages our girls to lead holistically healthy lives: emotionally, socially, and physically. Weekly lessons focus on topics such as healthy relationships, cultural awareness, and leadership and goal setting. Lessons are reinforced with out-of-school trips and activities such as participation in our annual Career & Innovation Summit, attendance at youth empowerment conferences, opportunities for community advocacy, college tours, and more.
The Community Bridges College Access and Success Program provides girls in high school with the resources needed for their next steps after high school graduation. Each girl receives weekly one-on-one counseling with our College Access and Success Team on college and career prospects, coaching through her FAFSA and Common Application processes, workshops on topics such as job interview preparation, essay writing, and navigating financial aid, monthly opportunities to visit colleges/universities, job shadowing opportunities, and any additional resources needed for her personal success in college and beyond. With a strong emphasis on success during post-secondary education the College Access and Success Program strives to increase our graduates level of preparation, application, acceptance, and enrollment in colleges and universities. We had over 113 students (20 juniors, 32 seniors, and 61 CB alumnae) participate in the program. 32 girls graduated from high school and 100% applied and enrolled in postsecondary education. The program took girls on 7 in person college tours, 1 college fair, 2 virtual college admissions sessions and 15 college and career workshops.
The Community Bridges school-based Girls Program encourages girls in 4th through 12th grades to explore their identity, increase their self-esteem, and build their character in a safe and nurturing space. Using a tested, grade-integrated curriculum girls in our CB Girls program develop leadership skills and personal responsibility through a variety of experiential and in classroom learning opportunities. Our Girls Program supports the growth of our young women over a 9-year continuum by helping them understand their potential and life choices, learn creative strategies to become leaders, and break their familys cycle of poverty using education as a vehicle. CB Middle: Conducted 34 weeks of summer and after school program sessions in areas that support academic excellence, positive leadership, personal health and team building by involving all participants in planned and monitored community service activities at their schools and in the community. CB MS Girls participated in 3,470 hours of weekly program and 2,777 hours of field trips.